Scholarship – A ray of hope for the education system

A child is like a blank canvas and depends on its artist to become a masterpiece!

Parents send their children to schools and other educational institutions to gain knowledge, develop skills, and become competent in life. They wish for these little minds to evolve into responsible adults who can contribute to the betterment of the economy and society in the future. But all of this depends on one factor – quality education.

The absence of quality education can ruin a child's future

Though many parents vouch for home-schooling, that method of teaching can't give children the learning experience that they can get in school amidst their peers. This is true, particularly for children hailing from weaker financial backgrounds or with less-educated parents.

Often children coming from financially weak backgrounds leave their schools midway due to miscellaneous reasons. Because of this, they fail to fulfill the minimum educational qualifications at different job related avenues, and end up struggling throughout life. Such individuals even face difficulty adapting to the fast-moving economy as their knowledge quotient is limited. This hinders the growth and innovative capability of the economy and results in the nation lagging behind its competitors.

All of this strongly indicates why it is important for young minds to have access to higher education, without any hurdles.

What is educational equity? How is the Indian government approaching it?

Educational equity is nothing but equality in education. This essentially means that every student, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, caste, origin, or family background, receives equal opportunities and resources for gaining knowledge, at least acquiring the basics of reading, writing, and simple arithmetic.

For any nation to create future leaders, a combination of educational equity and quality is vital. As far as India is concerned, its government is working day and night to improve the educational sector by investing huge amounts in various strategies that aim at providing quality education to each student, especially the ones who are deprived of it due to financial constraints.

Currently, the Indian government's best initiative to promote quality education is offering scholarships to students from weaker backgrounds. Promoting education in societies like the Indian one makes room for future development and motivates others in the community to value education. The government is even backing schools and institutes which have a higher rate of students coming from weaker backgrounds. This is essential because such students are quite likely to stop attending school at some point. Evidently, a large pool of such “dropout” students can significantly contribute to the illiteracy rate of the country and also the number of unemployed individuals.

Thus, for the overall betterment of individuals and the country as a whole, it's crucial to utilize government scholarship schemes and create a better tomorrow.

To sum it up

Providing quality education, be it with the help of scholarships, is necessary to motivate the youth and create a better community. We must understand that the investment we do today will benefit us tomorrow, so we should support the government in the steps it's taking for our and the country's overall development.