
Utilization of Data

The information displayed on this website is for reference purposes only. The complete and accurate data related to scholarships should be collected from the official site of the scholarship providers. Scholad isn't answerable for any step that the users of this website take based on the data published here.

Validity Of Data

The authenticity of the data published on Scholad’s articles, website, and scholarship postings might become obsolete due to a number of factors including, alterations in applicable law, scholarship duration, modification in official information, and other technical reasons. Therefore, users are recommended to stay in touch with the original source before taking any concrete step.

The links for directing the candidates through the scholarship matching process and making their navigation simple might become tough to access due to the technical problems in external sites. Scholad is not answerable for the sustenance of such links accessible on this site.

Moreover, Scholad cordially welcomes any recommendation, review, or feedback on any undesirable data that may be available on the site due to human errors, technological breakdown, or external bugs.

Accuracy Of Data

Scholad doesn't ensure the correctness of the data published on its website. The information available here is aimed at spreading awareness around the matched scholarships, depending on the historical information or official data available in the public space. Therefore, while doing our very best, Scholad does not ensure the accuracy of the information.

We find a way to ensure that the personal data we process is complete, accurate, and new. However, we rely upon our users to correct or update their personal data whenever important.

Partnerships Of Scholad With Other Providers

Scholad is a platform to make candidates aware of the different scholarships that are accessible to them. As such, a lot of scholarships are registered on this website. But this doesn't essentially mean any association with the providers of such scholarships. Also, we don’t attach our validity to any scholarship provider simply because it's listed on our site.

Liability Of Scholad

The utilization, in any form, of the data and information available on our website is at users’ own risk. The website and its administrators are not responsible for any step taken by the users or for any opportunity loss incurred by the candidates because of the data accessible through this website.

Scholad, and its related entities, will not be responsible to any user or any third party should any or all of the information, content, features, products, and services accessible on this site be discontinued or altered. In no case shall Scholad or its associated partners be responsible for any indirect or direct, consequential, or incidental harms emerging out of the utilization of this site.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should first contact Scholad team via the Contact Us page. Alternatively, you may send an email to support@scholad.com.