What factors will shape Indian Scholarships over the next five years?

Imagine getting world-class education from a reputed institute in India. Wouldn't it be a life-changing experience? Of course, it would, but the question is if it's possible.

As much as Indian students would love to experience the above scenario, they are often worried about rising costs and tuition fees. Most of the time, the budget their families set aside for educational expenses isn’t enough, and this results in loans and other dreaded proceedings.

If you find yourself in the same boat, this blog is for you.

How scholarships ease access to quality education in India

Even though education is fundamental to achieve full human potential, accessing it in a country like India isn’t very straightforward for everyone.

Learning is critical to developing an equitable society and promoting national development, and access to quality education is the key to economic growth. But looking at India's population in the coming years, and considering that it will have the highest youth population in the world, providing each of them with high-quality education and opportunities is going to be challenging.

As such, the primary aim of the Indian government must be to facilitate an education system that ensures equitability, along with greater access to quality education for all learners, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds. Specific actions must be taken with urgency to level and achieve socio-economic mobility.

Scholarships can help with this. A scholarship not only provides financial aid to students but also promotes the drive to study in societies. It gives students an option to pursue education and carve out a better life for themselves.

However, some factors govern the future of scholarships in India.

Factors affecting scholarship in India

The nature of scholarships in India is sometimes exclusive. Unfortunately, we’re still unable to bring about equality for students from backward communities with respect to higher education. It is costly and accessible only to a minimal number of students.

According to some reports, only 12.5% of Indian scholarships are mean-based, and 33% are assigned to disadvantaged students (SC, ST, and Minorities).

As such, initiatives must be undertaken to ensure that students from different groups and backgrounds, despite their inherent obstacles, are presented with multiple targeted opportunities like scholarships to enter into the educational system, so that they can excel in life. Things like access, equity, quality, affordability, and accountability need to serve as foundational pillars of our modern society. Attaining foundational literacy and numeracy for all children must receive urgent national attention.

With some immediate measures having clear goals, every Indian student will be able to secure foundational literacy. As far as declining public budgets are concerned, India may examine alternative methods of subsidizing higher education to benefit students from the deprived sections.

To conclude

Let's all join hands to support government-led initiatives and help promote higher education. This will help make sure that every child has a future and he/she doesn't have to settle for anything less than what they dreamed of.