Application Window : 24/08/2024 - 29/09/2024

  • Candidate's primary state of residence should be one of the following:
    • Andhra Pradesh
    • Chhattisgarh
    • Gujarat
    • Karnataka
    • Madhya Pradesh
    • Telangana
  • Candidate's annual family income should be no more than 600000.
  • Candidate should be currently enrolled in an accepted or accredited institute in India.
  • Candidate's primary field of study should be one of the following:
    • Sciences
  • Candidate should be enrolled in one of the following levels of education:
    • Post-Matric (Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC))
  • Candidate identifies as one of the following:
    • Female
  • Candidate or his/her parent(s) should not be employed by any of the following employers:
  • Candidate's annual family income should be no more than 600000.
  • Candidate should be currently enrolled in an accepted or accredited institute in India.
  • Candidate's primary residential district should be one of the following:
    • Banswara
  • Candidate's primary field of study should be one of the following:
    • Sciences
  • Candidate should be enrolled in one of the following levels of education:
    • Post-Matric (Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC))
  • Candidate identifies as one of the following:
    • Female
  • Candidate or his/her parent(s) should not be employed by any of the following employers: